(13 May 1907 – 19 April 1989)
...and she is one of my favorite authors of all time!
She is an English author and play-writer.
(click on her picture for her bio at Wikipedia)
That ended my reading of Daphne du Maurier...until about 5 years ago. In this time I have been buying up and steadily reading her books. Without being exact she has written 30 some fiction and non fiction books. I personally own 15 at this time and I am always more than willing to drop the $$$ on the counter when I come across another one of her tales.
"Rebecca" was a bit much to start out with because her conveying of scenic detail is through the roof! Pages upon pages of it. Her plot was really neat however and her translation to the reader of her character's emotions was clear as day.
The most recent of her works that I have read is "Frenchman's Creek". While all the ladies I knew were getting nose deep in the "50 shades" series...I was falling in love with a pirate who was hiding out in a bay. I adore this novel! I recommend it for summer time/beach reading. You will feel like you are in the story all the more if you are close to a few waves and a lake breeze.
I will wrap it up here. I have written a few lengthy posts for this challenge so far so I'll make it easy for y'all to be on your way...(hah! :)
Thanks so much for the read!
Take care,
I've seen the movie Rebecca but never read the book.
While all the ladies I knew were getting nose deep in the "50 shades" series...I was falling in love with a pirate who was hiding out in a bay.
Good for you!
I'm glad you found me during the challenge! I look forward to reading more. Good luck :)
lol... ;) Thank you Faith!
Struggled a bit today. Professional baseball and hockey had me busy for a majority of the day.
(both my teams won though, so yay!)
Hmm...more boks to add to my "to read" shelf on Goodreads! :-)
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